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Result: 'God' (167)

Daily meditationsDoes God exist, or not? The answer is really very simple. To the non-believer, it is true that God does not exist. For whether things exist or not depends on us. Take a man who is asleep: even if all the world's treasures are heaped around him, as ...
Daily meditationsMany of people's conceptions about the Lord need to be reconsidered. The notion of a God who is angry with his people, or of an old man with a long beard busy recording their good and bad deeds and punishing their faults, was perhaps acceptable at ...
Daily meditationsWhen Jesus came, he taught humans that God was their father, no longer putting the emphasis exclusively on the notion of justice and severity, as Moses had done, but on that of love, kindness and forgiveness. God was no longer portrayed as the ...
Daily meditationsOnce upon a time, a man who wanted to be rich made a pact with the devil. ‘Very well' said the devil, ‘I will bring you money, but you must give me something in return.' ‘What would that be?' asked the man. ‘Every time I bring you money, you must ...
Daily meditations...rking. That is why it cannot be realised on the physical plane until it is first realised in our thoughts. Once realised in our thoughts it will descend into the heart, into our feelings, and it is then that it can finally be expressed in our a...
Daily meditationsWe naturally tend to identify God with good. But in reality no, good is not actually God himself; good is a manifestation of God, but it is not God. God is above good and evil, and we cannot really know who he is. But since good represents for us ...
Daily meditationsSo much horror has been perpetrated by people claiming to act out of their love of God. Today, as a result, those who speak of this love increasingly attract only suspicion. Now people think they must look to their fellow human beings, and abandon ...
Daily meditationsStop searching for proofs of the existence of God where you will never find them. Look for God within yourself, and you will realize that he is always there, that he never leaves you. If you do not feel him, it is not because he does not exist or is ...
Daily meditationsHow have revolutions taken place in the past? Did all participants have to be politicians, lawyers, philosophers, scientists or generals? No, but all were present and united – scientists, the ignorant, the competent and incompetent, the weak and the ...
Daily meditations... rid themselves of these impurities, they must learn to master themselves, to control their thoughts and desires, and only then can they attune themselves to divine vibrations and waves and taste eternal life....
Daily meditationsIn the book of Genesis it is written that on the sixth day God created humankind and that he created them in his image. But there are very few people, even among Jews and Christians who have heard this passage so often, that take seriously the idea ...
Daily meditationsTo discover the presence of God within us, the best exercise is to seek to identify with him. But to identify with the Lord does not mean imagining that we have succeeded in reaching him, and from there, on high, declaring ourselves omniscient and ...
Daily meditationsHave you seen a classroom before the teacher arrives? The children are all running around, shouting and squabbling among themselves. This is normal, because ‘when the cat is away, the mice will play.' But look what happens when the teacher comes in: ...
Daily meditationsMany believers ask themselves such naïve questions about God's will. They imagine he has specific intentions for them; regarding the place where they should live, the work they should do... Does he want them to marry, to have children, or to remain ...
Daily meditationsFor two thousand years, Christians have been repeatedly telling us that God is love, but have they really understood this truth? To say that God is love is to be aware that he has given everything to all beings without exception. You suffer, you are ...
Daily meditationsThose who abandon the Lord, who cut all ties with him, allow the source of love within them to run dry. Then one day, faced with the successive failures of their emotional life, they ask themselves how it was they came to love all those men or women ...
Daily meditationsWhen humans go through hardships, when they suffer, that is when they question themselves most about God – does he exist, what is his will, but especially, will he come to their aid? And many complain that they receive neither answers nor help. Why? ...
Daily meditationsSeveral times during their lifetime, humans have to go through trials that force them to ask the only questions of real importance: those concerning the meaning of their life. And if they are told they can find answers in religion, most continue to ...
Daily meditationsIn the book of Genesis it is written that God created human beings in his image. But how can we say precisely where the human being ends and the Divine within begins? It is impossible. Human nature and divine nature are so tightly linked and ...
Daily meditationsThe limited cannot understand the limitless; so, since human consciousness is limited, it cannot know God, the limitless. Or, to be more precise, humans cannot know God while they remain outside of him. They will only know him once they enter this ...
Daily meditationsLove the Creator, the One who is the origin of all life, and you will feel him manifesting in every creature. It is he, the One, whom you will love in others, and only he can fulfil the longings of your heart and soul. So many men and women, famous ...
Daily meditationsThe reason humans commit so many errors of judgement, make so many mistakes and experience so much suffering is that they don't know what they have come to earth to do. They come, and then they leave... Where do they come from, and to where do they ...
Daily meditationsOf all visible realities, light is the one that best expresses the spiritual world. It allows us to see but cannot itself be perceived. This is why God is often likened to light. God is said to be light, but what light? We do not actually know light;...
Daily meditations...n say to themselves, ‘I've not really found God yet of course, but he's manifesting through my thoughts, feelings and wishes.' And this hope, this faith, is in itself God....
Daily meditationsIt is said in the Book of Genesis: ‘In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters.' What do these first ...
Daily meditationsA common symbol in Christianity and in certain spiritual movements is that of the triangle with an eye at its centre. It represents the all-seeing eye of God. This does not mean, as some naively believe, that God is busy noting down all humans' good ...
Daily meditationsWhen people are too self-confident they provoke others: they make enemies for themselves, and they spend part of their time in confrontation and settling scores. They should take a good look at themselves and say, ‘I am not really that wise, nor am ...
Daily meditationsJesus came to reveal to men and women that God is their Father, but instead of reflecting and going deep within themselves to find the traces of this divine filiation, Christians are content with a childish interpretation. They behave like ...
Daily meditationsEveryone thinks they know what it is they love about any particular man or woman, whether it's beauty, charm or moral or intellectual qualities. But the reality is that each person loves only the One, the Creator, who made beings the way they are. ...
Daily meditationsGod has spoken and continues to speak through the whole of creation and in the heart of every person. So it is wrong to say that he spoke only to this prophet or that founder of a religion. It would be more correct to say that some people listen to ...
Daily meditationsGod has given us life, but in order to be truly alive we must not remain idle. It is up to us to strengthen the life we have received, to make it more beautiful and subtle.There are infinite degrees of life. Those who remain in the lower degrees can ...
Daily meditationsIn the book of Genesis it is said that God created humankind in his image, and for centuries Jews and Christians have quoted this verse: ‘God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness”'. They quote it, yes, but have they ...
Daily meditationsI know that the kingdom of God, universal brotherhood, which I never stop presenting to you as an ideal, is seen by many as only utopian. They think this ideal is impossible to achieve in today's world. No, it is not impossible. It is difficult, ...
Daily meditationsOne of the fundamental tenets of Christianity is that two thousand years ago God showed his love to humankind by sending ‘his only son' to earth. For a time, this belief perhaps helped some to evolve, but now it is time to let go of something so ...
Daily meditationsIt is extraordinary to see how a smile can transform a face that is inexpressive or even unattractive. A lovely smile is accompanied by a lovely expression, and because this expression is full of love and kindness, it gives off such light that the ...
Daily meditationsIf humans changed their opinion of nature, they would change their destiny! If they think of it as being alive and intelligent, that stones, plants, animals and stars are alive and intelligent, they themselves will become more alive and more ...
Daily meditationsWhy argue so much about the existence or non-existence of God? It is pointless. Actually the matter is very simple: for the non-believer, God certainly does not exist. Why? Because it depends on each person as to whether things do or don't exist for ...
Daily meditationsIt is when humans are suffering and unhappy that they ask themselves the most questions about the existence and the will of God. They wonder whether he hears them, whether he will answer their prayers and come to their rescue. And they are often ...
Daily meditationsEvery human being has wishes and ambitions they seek to fulfil, and whether these concern wealth, beauty, knowledge, power or glory, etc., they expend their physical and psychic energy, time and health in doing so. But once they have achieved their ...
Daily meditationsThere are some believers who wonder naively what God's will is for them and what he expects of them. They imagine God's will is concerned with the particular place they ought to live, the profession they ought to be in… Does he want them to start a ...
Daily meditations...n our activities. He is present, whether we know it or not, in everything we achieve, in our thoughts and our feelings, and from him we receive strength, joy and peace. God is at one and the same time furthest from us and closest to us. The sec...
Daily meditations‘Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven', says Jesus in the Lord's Prayer. But why must we do the will of God? Because it is a magical act. The moment we decide to serve the Lord, our whole being is taken up, dedicated, and then the contrary ...
Daily meditationsJesus said in the Gospels, ‘You cannot serve God and Mammon', meaning the demands of earth and heaven cannot be satisfied at the same time.To be acknowledged by your friends in heaven, you often have to renounce being acknowledged by humans; this is ...
Daily meditations‘Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness', said Jesus. This idea of the kingdom of God is an entity that has its roots, its homeland, in the divine world. So, if we nurture it, we feel ourselves entering the realm where this entity ...
Daily meditations‘You cannot love what you cannot see', some people say, to justify their indifference to God. It simply means they do not try to find out in what form he appears to us.Does a newborn baby love its mother? It does not know her, it is not aware of ...
Daily meditationsOne of the most famous passages in the Gospels is the one where a doctor of law asks Jesus, ‘Which commandment is the first of all?' And Jesus replies, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your ...
Daily meditationsUndeniably, many people have a good heart and sincerely want to help others. But while they are asking themselves how they can be of help, they are often also seeking to accommodate their own highly selfish interests. We see this even with states. ...
Daily meditationsIn all the centuries that Christians have repeated after Jesus, ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven', how many men and women have prayed for the coming of the kingdom of God!...
Daily meditationsJesus said, ‘Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness.' Why does the kingdom of God come first? Because it represents a state of perfection, of fulfilment. Everything is contained in it – health, wealth, beauty, order, freedom, ...
Daily meditationsMake the decision today to frequent the divine school. Get out your textbooks and exercise books, and start studying. You will say, ‘But there are those other people there bothering me!' Well, just try to put up with them, and just let them be. You ...
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