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Daily Meditation: Sunday, January 24, 2016

Good deeds - the credit should go to God

Suppose you carry out a difficult task, or you are highly successful, or you emerge victorious from a difficult episode? Try not to bask in glory, but say instead, ‘It is you who deserve the credit, Lord, not me’; otherwise, you risk falling into the trap of pride. And when you receive praise or congratulations, be careful, don’t start creating an inflated opinion of yourself, but tell yourself over and over again, ‘Lord, the glory is all yours, not mine.’ Often, other people unwittingly and unintentionally set traps for you: you take their praise so seriously that you become conceited; you think you have already arrived at the top, and this is dangerous for your evolution. We should work for the glory of God and confer on him any praise we may receive; this is how the impersonal, selfless side of our being can develop. Heaven judges us according to this attitude in order to determine who we are working for. True glory is found in glorifying the Lord.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
