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Daily Meditation: Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Breathing, human - and breathing of the cosmos

Meditation is breathing, so too is prayer, ecstasy and all communication with heaven. Those who wish to deepen the meaning of the process of breathing can gradually feel their own breathing merge into the breathing of God. For God too breathes: he breathes out and a world appears, he breathes in and a world disappears... We can get a small glimpse of this process on certain days in summer when we see light white clouds suddenly appear in the sky, and a moment later they just as suddenly disappear... God’s in-breaths and out-breaths obviously take place over billions and billions of years. The sacred books of India tell us that one day God will breathe in and our universe will return within him. And then, again, he will breathe out and a new creation will appear... Through human beings, God breathes more quickly, but in the cosmos, his breathing is a lot slower. And therefore, the slower our breathing, the closer we come to divine breathing.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
