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Daily Meditation: Thursday, August 27, 2015

Glass - achieving the same transparency in ourselves in order to let the light through

All opaque things obstruct the light, and in obstructing it they cast a shadow. In nature we find that minerals – rock crystal, precious stones, and so on – are translucent to differing degrees. And glass, which is man-made, is a wonderful invention. Glass, because of its transparency, allows light to come into houses, so this invention has brought great improvements to people’s lives. But it would bring even greater ones if they tried to achieve this same transparency in their inner life so that the divine light could pass through them. So long as we do not try to rid ourselves of our impurities, we cast shadows around us. This is why those who want to do good are not always able to do so. To do good they must become transparent: the light will pass through them, and wherever they go they will leave behind them a crystal-clear atmosphere.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
