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Daily Meditation: Monday, December 9, 2013

Gestures - that cost hardly anything but open people’s hearts

You go to the greengrocer’s to buy a pound of cherries. The greengrocer weighs them – and there’s your pound – but then adds a handful more. What is a handful of cherries? Hardly anything, but it makes you feel good. What pleases you isn’t so much the few extra cherries but the friendly feeling expressed by this gesture. This is only a small example. But if you observe people, you notice that many do not know how to make this kind of gesture. And yet they can afford to – in fact they often have a great deal more than they need – but something inside them holds them back: they can’t give, they are not able to make that move towards others. And then they complain they have no friends. How can they be made to understand that all it takes is a few small gestures, the kind that cost hardly anything but open people’s hearts.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
