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Daily Meditation: Friday, August 17, 2018

Gestures - are magic; don’t greet anyone with an empty vessel

Every gesture is magic. When you greet someone in the morning, whether it be at home or elsewhere, do not greet them with an empty vessel, because unintentionally and unknowingly you are wishing emptiness, want and failure upon them for the entire day. You might say, ‘But that’s of no importance, people pay no attention to such things.’ If people lack awareness, is that any reason to behave like them? Here I am teaching you the laws of the new life, and one of these laws asks that we be aware in everything we do. So, when you greet members of your family, your neighbours, your friends or anyone else in the morning, make sure not only that you do not greet them with an empty vessel, but also fill your heart with love and then wish them a good day. If you are able to work with the positive forces of nature, your interactions with others will generate increasing confidence and warmth.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

Daily Meditations 2017
$ 13.00
